The Connector is the Inner Relationship Creator who Illuminates Faith and Optimism.
Your connection to others helps you create long-term relationships that can, in turn, generate income.
Sacred Destiny: Your faith and optimism that money will always be available keeps you from feeling much, if any, financial stress. Yet this same innocent quality of believing you’ll always be taken care of can cause you to lack financial independence or blindly trust the handling of financial details to others. Your lack of concern about money can cause you to be taken advantage of financially or keep you from creating wealth, yet this is likely not something you often think about.
Sacred Strength: As the Connector you are quite Resilient
Sacred Gifts: The Connector has the ability to create valuable relationships
The Connectors Challenge: Sometimes feels overwhelmed with basic financial dtails
So lets get you into action and begin your Unique Money Alignment … Yes? Now, take a few moments and really think about this … What are three qualities you appreciate in the people who have assist you financially, and in what specific ways would your life change if you adopted those qualities for yourself?
Click right here for free. Let’s explore your ability to trust your self using your Unique Money Codes to create your own personal road map to Wealth and Prosperity.
Blessings to you, Denise